There are two types of librarians. There are those who are super nice and friendly and love contributing to the community by recommending books you'll love, by replacing those you've read on their appropriate shelves, by lending you a museum pass which ensures an awesome day for you and your company, by chatting with you about how you're liking the new town and what you think of their library, by giving you as much useful information as your brain can handle so you can enjoy their library and town as much as possible. There are also those who feel like their position as librarian entitles them to much better books than you'll ever understand ("Are you looking for the young adults section?"), like they have a job that is much more consequential than any job you could ever obtain, like they are just better than you and hate you for not knowing every single aisle and procedure of their fine establishment. I like the first kind best.
Are people friends because they are connected emotionally, or are they friends because they find each other? I've been thinking about this for a while... There are probably a whole bunch of people out there with whom I'd connect well, but I'll never meet them because of our geographic locations. So, I'm wondering... If I went just about anywhere, what are my odds of finding really good friends--good, bad, neutral? Who lies outside of my tiny geographic circle? Would I get along with them? Would we become BFFs? Do the people I know matter because they're all that I know? Would I find other people if I were elsewhere? OK, the things not to worry about: 1. I'm not moving or even thinking about moving; 2. I love and cherish my husband, friends, and family and would never try to trade them ever. I guess that today I'm just feeling like a small fish in a big pond and wondering who else is in the pond, too.
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