

First off, Thanksgiving was fun. I had a great time with my family, and I got to stay at Joanna & Ray's for a visit through Saturday morning. That was a really good time. And of course we had another successful "Pie Day Friday" (it's the day after Thanksgiving--a Friday--where you eat pie for breakfast). : )
So after we left Joanna and Ray's, we drove down to the central MA area, and we went to Rotman's to poke around at some living room furniture (our current pieces are a little bit sad). We found a sofa & loveseat in faux leather--both pieces for only $598! So yeah, we purchased those. And guess where we'll have them delivered... OUR NEW APARTMENT!!
So here's the story... We were driving around on Saturday after we finished up at Rotman's, and we decided to follow up on some of our apartment applications. I called one place, and it had been rented out. While leafing through my notebook (I am very reliant on that thing), I saw a number I'd jotted down in our travels because I had seen a "FOR RENT" sign out front. I called and asked about the apartment. It all sounded great, so I asked how much they were asking. $750 for the smaller, $800 for the larger. So as she was asking me how far from the building we were, we drove by that same sign. We went and checked out the smaller apartment first, and we really liked it. Then we saw the larger one, and ohmygosh... We LOVED it!! We were really hoping to get this apartment, so we dropped off our application the next day and got a call yesterday that we got the apartment! SCORE! We are really glad to have such a beautiful place to live. Here's a list of the things we like:
- dishwasher
- 2 gigantic bedrooms (a second one for my home office and Joel's music gear)
- big living room
- 2 porches
- tons of counter space
- dining room
- tons of yard and woods
- good location
- loads of windows
- dumpster right there
- snow removal (plow & snow blower) by landlord
- tons of parking
- glass-front cabinets
- gorgeous, tons of space, open layout

- coin-op laundry

That's literally all that's bad about the apartment. Wow, I'm so excited to live there! I'm already plotting the layout and placement of everything in there (perhaps a little too much--Joel can tell by the look on my face when I'm thinking about it). I was thinking that any apartment we found would be a downgrade from where we currently live, but I am feeling quite the opposite. That's a good thing.

I'm SO excited about this new season in life! (Well, minus the cold weather. ; ) )

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