
...and i just can't hide it

First off, I redid the format/design for my blog. If you haven't actually viewed my blog recently, I suggest you do that now. It's basic, but I'm pretty proud of it. : )

Next, I'm going to Florida. I'M SO EXCITED!! Next month, I'll be visiting Julie down in FL. I'll spend a long weekend there. We will stay with her employer for the weekend, and I'll go to her church and meet her church friends, and we'll swim in her ocean, and we'll walk on her beach, and we'll look out her windows, etc. I'm so freakin' excited about this. !!!!!!!! A short entry, but I've been thinking about this a lot lately. And yes, I'm psyched out of my mind (I just quoted Elf).

Enjoy the new layout. : )


  1. I'm liking the minimalism thing you've got going here. My only grip is that I want to follow your blog via google and i can't cuz there's no button.

  2. nevermind cuz I'm a dork....figured it out.

  3. Glad you got that figured out...... Dork. ; )
